Lifestyle 02.06.2019


Tiramola: cro. a clothes hanging line suspended over the house facade or over the street, characteristic for old Dalmatian villages and city centres.

 (image by Foto Adria)

Did you know that this is one of the most photographed motives inside Dubrovnik Old Town?

Did you also know that most Croatians don’t own a clothes dryer? Especially the ones living on the coast.

It is not so much the matter of being able to afford it. Rather it is a mixture of:

– mentality “my mother never used one, why should I
– the luxury of enjoying 2,715 hours of sunshine a year.
– an opportunity to chat with the neighbour while hanging them
… and in case of Dubrovnik Old Town,  an always present issue of space – let us see you try to cram a dryer in a 2×2 meter bathroom 😉


This is why:

– you always know which day is Laundry day,
– which kind of weather can you expect in the next few hours,
– who lives there (undergarments say a lot 😉


… and that there are still people living in the shades of centuries-old walls who give Dubrovnik its character, warmth, authenticity and a sense of place.


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